Action Center
President Cooper Video
Welcome to Mansfield, Ohio.
Growing up, IBEW Pres. Kenny Cooper knew that a union ticket was a ticket to the middle class. And his hometown of Mansfield, Ohio was the perfect place to punch that ticket because it was a good union town. That is until the factories and jobs went overseas, as corporate America stacked the deck against working people.
But elections have consequences, and under the leadership of Joe Biden, middle-class union jobs are coming back to America. And bringing hope to towns like Mansfield. That’s why the IBEW is working to reelect Joe Biden this November, because our nation needs to keep moving forward. |
What We Do
Click here to be contacted by a representative to discover what IBEW 1205 has to offer you and your electrical career.
Already working in the Electrical trade and looking to become a part of our Union?
Or do you want to improve conditions in your current job? Looking for fair pay, decent benefits, an opportunity to grow? On-the-job respect?
A union of 750,000 members, the IBEW is the largest organization of electrical workers in North America. Our members work in nearly every part of the economy: construction, utilities, telecommunications, broadcasting, manufacturing, railroad and government.
Formed in 1891, we have earned our reputation as the oldest, largest and most professional electrical union in the world. We are on the job at construction sites, power plants, factories, offices, shipyards, TV studios and rail yards.
We know that there’s strength in numbers and have a proven path to help get results. By securing good wages, solid benefits and safer job sites, our union helps build a better road to the middle class for all working families.
Who We Are
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
The IBEW represents approximately 775,000 active members and retirees who work in a wide variety of fields, including utilities, construction, telecommunications, broadcasting, manufacturing, railroads and government. The IBEW has members in both the United States and Canada and stands out among the American unions in the AFL-CIO because it is among the largest and has members in so many skilled occupations.
As union members, we bargain collectively with our employers over wages, benefits, and rights.
Most of us have very limited bargaining power as one person, but as a group, we are strong. And, with a good negotiated contract, we have legal protections we would not have otherwise.
Who We Represent
Local 1205 represents workers in the electrical industry throughout North Central Florida, West Florida, and South Georgia.
The objects of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers are:
To organize all workers in the entire electrical industry in the United States and Canada, including all those in public utilities and electrical manufacturing, into local unions, reasonable methods of work, To cultivate feelings of friendship among those of our industry, To settle all disputes between employers and employees by arbitration (if possible), To assist each other in sickness or distress, To secure employment, To reduce the hours of daily labor, To secure adequate pay for our work, To seek a higher and higher standard of living, To seek security for the individual, And, by legal and proper means to elevate the moral, intellectual and social conditions of our members, their families and dependents, in the interest of a higher standard of citizenship.
Click here to view our current working agreement.
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PowerNet Credit Union is the largest labor-based credit union in Florida and has served the Building and Construction Trade local Unions and their members throughout the state since 1961. Membership is open to all Florida building and construction unions, their members, retirees as pensioners or annuitants of said local unions, spouses of members that died while a member, and organizations/affiliations of unions which include employees of the unions and their families.
Click here to join.
The 401K offered through NECA/IBEW is now available to members wishing to make contributions.
To find out more, contact the IBEW Investments Department at 1-888-411-4239 or go to the NEFP website: www.nefp.org.
Please complete and return this form to your employer's payroll department if you are interested in participating. All forms and plan documents are available here.
Latest News
We regretfully inform you that Vicki Brabham, widow of Bennie Brabham passed away on June 4th. She was a member of the Sick and Needy Fund and has been assigned Death Benefit #145.
To better protect our members' credit card information, Local 1205 will no longer accept payments over the phone. All credit card payments should be made by the individual member through the payment portal. We appreciate your understanding regarding this policy update and apologize for any inconvenience. If you have difficulties logging into the website or payment portal, please call the hall for assistance.
Please also check the website calendar for any meeting date changes.
1205 Union Meeting: 7PM EST first Friday of each month at the Hall
Executive Board Meeting: 4PM EST first Friday of each month at the Hall
Examining Board Meeting: 9AM EST first Friday of each month at the Hall
RENEW Committee Meeting: 7PM EST third Friday of each month at the Hall
Meeting dates and times may be changed in accordance with IBEW Local Union 1205's Bylaws:
Article II, Meetings
Sec. 1. Regular meetings shall be held once a month at the time and date as decided by the Local Union. The International Office shall be advised of the time, date, and location of regular Local Union meetings and also of any future changes. The membership shall be notified of any change in regular meeting dates.
Sec. 2. Only the Business Manager or the Executive Board may call special meetings. The members shall be notified in writing (by mail, leaflets, in the Union newspaper, or on accessible bulletin boards) of any special meeting. No business shall be transacted at any special meeting except that for which it has been called.
Motions were made, seconded and passed to schedule these dates during the January 5th, 2024 Union Meeting. More specific times and details will be provided closer to the event dates.
Bream Fishing Tournament: April 13th* date changed at 2/1/2024 meeting
July Regular Meeting: July 12th
Labor Day Picnic: August 31st 11AM-2PM, Cookout at the Hall! Chicken, burgers, and hot dogs will be provided. Please bring a dessert or side to share. Join us for food, fun, and fellowship! Door prizes, bounce houses, outdoor games.
September Regular Meeting: September 13th* date changed at 6/7/2024 meeting
Christmas Party & Pin Presentations: December 7th 11AM-2PM
The Delegates of the 40th IBEW Convention, which was conducted in Chicago, Illinois, during the week of May 9 through 13, 2022, approved several amendments to Article IX of the IBEW Constitution. Accordingly, effective January 1, 2023, there will be an increase of two dollars ($2.00) for the per capita that is paid to the General Fund only. There will also be an increase of two dollars ($2.00) in the IBEW Pension Benefit Fund (PBF) contribution, which applies to “A” members only. The following rates will apply to the international office portion of all monthly dues payments for January 2023, and thereafter:
Effective July 1st, monthly dues shall be:
Effective July 1, 2023:
"A" Members
Apprentice - $44.00 ($528.00 annually)
Journeyman, Construction Wireman/Electrician, all other classifications- $48.00 ($576.00 annually)
"BA" Members
SVEC, CFEC & City of Ocala- $47.00
Effective July 1, 2024:
"A" Members
Apprentice - $45.00 ($540.00 annually)
Journeyman, Construction Wireman/Electrician, all other classifications - $49.00 ($588.00 annually)
"BA" Members
SVEC, CFEC & City of Ocala- $48.00
($576.00 annually)
Effective January 1, 2025:
"A" Members:
Apprentice - $47.00 ($564.00 annually)
Journeyman, Construction Wireman/Electrician, all other classifications - $51.00 ($612.00 annually)
"BA" Members
SVEC, CFEC & City of Ocala- $48.00
($576.00 annually)
Effective July 1, 2025:
"A" Members
Apprentice - $48.00 ($576.00 annually)
Journeyman, Construction Wireman/Electrician, all other classifications - $52.00 ($624.00 annually)
"BA" Members
SVEC, CFEC & City of Ocala- $49.00
($588.00 annually)
Click on full article to see updates
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